Sponsoring Church Name

Sponsoring Church address

Sponsoring Church address 2

Sponsoring Church City

Sponsoring Church state

Sponsoring Church Zip

Sponsoring Church Pastor's name

Sponsoring Church Pastor's phone no.

Monthly amount requested from the MBA of Texas

Project name

Missionary/Project Pastor's name

Missionary's Phone no.

List missionary's family, experience, and education

Mission/Project Location address

Mission/Project Location address 2

Mission/Project Location City

Mission/Project Location state

Mission/Project Location Zip

Mission/Project mailing address

Mission/Project mailing address 2

Mission/Project mailing City

Mission/Project mailing state

Mission/Project mailing Zip

Approximate time support is required

Working agreement of Church and Missionary

Explain, in detail, what the MBA of Texas support will be used for:

List other Mission work supported by the Sponsoring Church:

Does the Church agree with the Doctrinal Statement, Articles of Agreement, and Mission Policy of the MBA of Texas?

Does the Mission/Project agree with these?

Does the Church financially support the MBA of Texas?

Does the Mission/Progject financially support the MBA of Texas?

What are your specific plans for next year?

Brief working agreement of the Church and the Mission:

What plans do you have for Professional Development/Ministry Skills Growth for the coming year that will help you in your work to plant and grow your ministry? (Examples such as, Taking a Missions class at a seminary, or enrolling in one of the ABA Seminars for growth and skills development.)

Submission date

Year of the messenger meeting at which this request will be considered:

Sponsoring Pastor's signature

Missionary's signature